Creating a zigzag border with CSS is quite easy and we can achieve it just by using CSS3 property linear-gradient only and not an image. So here is how to create a zigzag border with CSS only. Create a zigzag border with CSS Demo code
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How to create a ZigZag backgound in CSS
If you are looking for how to create a zigzag background in CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) without using any image/images then the following tutorial is for you. We’ll use CSS Gradients to create a zigzag background. CSS ZigZag Background Demo CSS ZigZag Background CSS ZigZag Background Demo Code In the code mentioned above we used linear-gradient…
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Striped background is quite easy to do in CSS, especially nowadays as browsers have a good support for CSS-Gradients these days. Here is how to create a striped background in CSS only and not using an image. Just create a section in HTML with an id or class and target it in CSS by the…
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